Speak2Me 1.0 WHAT IS SPEAK2ME? Speak2Me uses MacinTalk to read the icons in the finder as they are selected. Speak2Me requires System 7 or later. Make sure that you are using the MacinTalk which is compatible with System 7. Unfortunately, I don't have a license to distribute MacinTalk so it is not included. INSTALLING SPEAK2ME Speak2Me is a control panel (cdev) which works only with system 7. To install Speak2Me simply drop it on the system folder and it will be auto-magically placed in the control panels folder. If you like to do things the hard way, you can open up the system folder and place it in the control panels folder yourself. The next time you start up your Mac, Speak2Me will be active. OPTIONS You are given two options in the cdev, the first is for MacinTalk to read the name fast or slow. In Fast mode, Macintalk reads it as fast as it can. (SpeechRate set to 425 for all you MacinTalk fans). In slow mode, MacinTalk reads the text at its default speed. The other option is to not display the icon at start up. This is usually a personal choice. The default is to show it. I am very interested in the options people would like to see, for instance I can do things like tell you the type of item selected and whether the item is opened or closed. I can also add in things like reading the keyboard, menus, etc. I'm interested in knowing the types of things in the finder which should be read outloud and I will try to add them in. HINTS MacinTalk reads 'Ä' as folder, so if you name a folder "System 7.1 Ä" it reads it as System 7.1 folder. You get used to the fast mode very quickly, I find the normal mode too slow for my taste. KNOWN PROBLEMS When more than a few windows are open in the Finder, Macintalk doesn't work. I have not been able to track this one down (any ideas)? WHADDAYAWANT FOR NOTHING? Speak2Me is free, you owe me nothing for the use of this program. However, I reserve all rights to it and its source code. You are welcome to use and distribute it as you like, but you must distribute all the documentation as well. If you include this on a CD-ROM or other large media collection, I would appreciate being notified (A free copy of the CD-ROM would be nice also). So that you may receive notices of upgrades, please register your copy with me by sending your name, and street or e-mail address to me at any of the addresses below. Please indicate where you picked up your copy (I like to see how far and wide my programs get sent). I would also appreciate any bug reports and comments, either positive or negative about Speak2Me. Please also send these to any of the addresses below. VERSION HISTORY Version 1.0 (12/92) INIT and cdev written and released SUPPORT Please feel free to contact me if you need support in using this program. In order of preference, you may contact me at the addresses and numbers below: 1) CWH3@aol.com 2) HCS@applelink.apple.com 3) haynes@mace.cc.purdue.edu 4) HCS Software PO Box 2715 W. Lafayette, IN 47906 5) (317) 463-6383 (Home phone, please be kind) I AM LOOKING FOR A JOB Part of my motivation for releasing Speak2Me is to advertise the fact that I am looking for employment as a Macintosh developer. I am particularly interested in educational software, adaptive technology, and cool system 7 utilities. My Skills include in-depth knowledge of Pascal and C, working knowledge of M68000 assembly and very strong knowledge of Macintosh internals. I started programming on Macs and Macs are all I wish to program. I have written large applications as well as extensions, control panels, and just about every type of xDEF there is. I am particularly interested in exploiting all the power in System 7 and enjoy exploring its features. I have previously worked on several contracts as well as releasing many free programs including "Mark Off" which was included on the MacWarehouse PowerUsers disk #6. Other popular software which I have released include "Trash Selector", a control panel to delete only selected items in the trash, "Processorize" an application which gives the user all the power of the Process Manager, "SimAnt Cheater", an extension giving access to all the hidden treats in the game "SimAnt", and "Any Calls", an early application which tells you the time and date phone calls come into your house. These and all other free programs which I have released to the public may be found on America Online. I have a rather unique background for a someone who spends all his time programming. I started out as a preschool teacher, working with severely disabled infants. I started programming Macs to build interactive systems to develop communication skills with toddlers who had severe communication disabilities. I have a BA in Elementary Education and a MS in Special Eduaction. Halfway through earning my Ph.D. in Special Education (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) at Purdue University, I decided that I wanted to spend all my time programming Macs. With a background like this it can be difficult to get your foot in the door in securing projects. This is one reason I am releasing this as "I-Need-A-Job-Ware". I believe that I can be a valuable asset to any company which needs a Macintosh developer. If you like what you see here and would like any further information (or have a job offer), please contact me at: Carl W. Haynes III Haynes Consulting Services PO Box 2715 W. Lafayette, IN 47906 317 463-6383 CWH3@aol.com HCS@applelink.apple.com haynes@mace.cc.purdue.edu