Name: Scanner Version: 3.0 Released: March 29, 1995 Requires: Apple Scanner, Apple OneScanner, or Apple Color OneScanner System 7.0.1 through System 7.5.3 rev 2.0. Any other version of the Mac OS is not recommended. Description: Scanner 3.0 is a system extension that enables the Apple Scanner and Apple OneScanner. Instructions: The enclosed file is a self-extracting archive. To use, download, double-click the downloaded file (this decompresses it). PLEASE NOTE: Scanner 3.0 compatibility Apple Scanner No* Apple OneScanner No* Apple Color OneScanner Yes Apple Color OneScanner 600/27 No Apple Color OneScanner 1200/30 No * Note: The Scanner 3.0 extension will work with the Apple Scanner and Apple OneScanner only under System 7. If System 6 is being used then you should use Scanner 2.0 with the Apple Scanner or Apple OneScanner.